AddOns Features
- Advanced Dispatch Mapping
- Setting Up and Using the Auto Farm Feature in Limo Anywhere
- Dynamic Driver Scheduling
- Validate Domain DNS (Addons)
- Setting Up GPS
- Twilio Integration
- GRiDD (GNET) Farm-Out Setup in Addons
- GRiDD (GNET) Farm-Out Setup in Limo Anywhere
- Custom Reservation Manifest
- Custom Portals
- Configuring TLC Reports
- Manifest Upload Tool
- Setting up Employees with the AddOns Chrome Extension
- Automated Wake-Up Calls
- Installing AddOns Chrome Extension
- Contract & Credit Card Capture
- Virtual Dispatcher
- Passenger Link
- Passenger Surveys
- Universal Driver Status
- Airport Passenger Assistance
- Using Messaging Manager
- How to Set Up Messaging Manager