Mar 17, 2022
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Release Notes: March 17th, 2022


  • Updated ORES4/Passenger App Email Login area in Accounts and removed ORES3 Login Info
  • Removed the ORES3 Settings section from Online Reservations in Company Settings

A couple of years ago we deactivated and ended support for ORES3. We have made further updates in Accounts and Company Settings to provide a better experience for our operators and remove some unused ORES3 sections.

We have updated Accounts by removing the ‘ORES3 Login Info’ section and moving the ‘Password’ field to the ‘ORES4/Passenger App Email Login’ area. This makes setting up and managing your client’s login info for ORES, PWA, and Passenger Apps much easier.


For more information, check out our article How To Manage Accounts In Limo Anywhere.

  • Renamed the label for ‘Reservation Phone Number’ to ‘Passenger Phone’ in R&A

In Reporting & Analytics, we have updated the column/field label for ”Reservation Phone Number’ to ‘Passenger Phone’ to provide better clarity on which phone number this column/field will display. This column/filed can be added in the ‘Add New Column’ window under ‘Contacts’ section.

For more info, check out our article How-To Use Reporting & Analytics.

  • Updated email functionality in R&A to not include the Company’s General email address as a default recipient when emailing reports

Previously when emailing reports in Reporting & Analytics your Company’s General Email Address was included by default as a recipient to receive the report. This was not clear to users and based on feedback from our users we have updated this functionality to not include your Company’s General email address when the reports are sent. Each email address that is entered will receive the report, whether in CSV or PDF format, without displaying the other recipients to ensure the report is going to the intended parties while keeping security and privacy in mind.

For more info, check out our article How-To Use Reporting & Analytics.

  • Security enhancements

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved issue where credit cards could not be charged through Stripe gateway when an account was added to a reservation that was initially booked as guest in some cases

There were some cases with the Stripe gateway where a user books a reservation without an account and the operator would create an account for their client or apply an existing account to the reservation. This caused some issues with processing payment via Stripe for the credit card attached to the reservation because the credit card when booked was attached to a “Guest” account instead of the new/existing account in LA. We have now resolved this issue and you should be able to apply the account and still process the payment on the credit card entered.