Oct 25, 2018

The Difference Between The Custom Branded Passenger App and Driven Anywhere (Non-Branded App)

The main difference between the custom-branded passenger app and Driven Anywhere is that the custom branded app is branded for your company with your name and logo icon, whereas Driven Anywhere is a single sign-on app that is branded as Driven Anywhere.

For the custom branded passenger app, you provide the logo you want for the icon and in the app store the app will be listed as your company’s app and will provide details and information only for your company. Pricing for the custom branded passenger app can be found on our website or you can reach out to a sales associate at sales@limoanywhere.com

For Driven Anywhere, it is one, universal app which can be used by all operators. The app is listed as “Driven Anywhere” in Google Play and Apple App Store. You must supply your customer with an operator code in order for them to be able to login. This app itself is not branded for your company. However, when your customer logs in to their profile with your company, they will see your company information. Driven Anywhere is offered to operators free of charge.