Dec 17, 2020

Understanding Username and Password Requirements

Requirements for logging in to you Limo Anywhere system at:

Currently when logging in to your Limo Anywhere system you must provide the following.

  • Company ID
  • Username
  • Password

Usernames currently can be anything like admin, Dave, Dispatch, etc. With upcoming security updates it may require it to be a unique email address such as; For security purposes, it is suggested to start using unique email addresses to replace current usernames.

Passwords Must meet the criteria listed below:

  • Have 8 characters or more
  • Have upper & lower case letters (A-Z, a-z)
  • Have numbers & symbols (0-9, @#$%…)
  • NOT contain your username

Example Below:

Requirements for Logging in to Your DriverAnywhere

Usernames and Passwords can be created for the DriverAnywhere application in the Driver’s Profile.

  1. Go to ‘My Office‘.
  2. Open the ‘Company Resources‘ tab.
  3. Select the Driver’s name from the list and click ‘Edit‘. The Driver profile will load on the right side of the page.
  4. Under the ‘Edit Driver‘ tab on the bottom right you will see ‘Web Access‘. Below that you will see fields for Username and Password.


It is required that the username should be a unique email address and the password follows the Strong Password Requirements listed below:

  • At least SEVEN characters’ long
  • At least one UPPER case letter
  • At least one LOWER case letter
  • At least one NUMBER
  • At least one SPECIAL CHARACTER.
    Example: !@#$%A … etc.
  • CANNOT contain your username

Example: P@$$word953, Mypa$sword4

Requirements for Logging in to Limo Anywhere Mobile

When logging in to Limo Anywhere Mobile you will use the same Username and Password that you use to log in to the Limo Anywhere System.

  • Company ID
  • Username
  • Password

Logging in to DrivenAnywhere or The Custom Branded Passenger Applications

DrivenAnywhere and the Custom Branded Passenger Application is designed for the customer of Limo Anywhere Users to book reservations from their mobile device. The Username and Password Requirements are the same for both DrivenAnywhere and The Custom Branded Passenger App.

Usernames must be a unique email address. Passwords should meet the criteria below for security purposes-

  • At least SEVEN characters’ long
  • At least one UPPER case letter
  • At least one LOWER case letter
  • At least one NUMBER
  • At least one SPECIAL CHARACTER.Example: ! @#$%A … etc.
  • CANNOT contain your username

Example: P@$$word953, Mypa$sword4