Oct 25, 2018

Troubleshooting SMS Delivery Issues

Troubleshooting SMS Delivery Issues

Limo Anywhere has a feature that automates the sending of dispatched trips via text message to your drivers.

NOTE: The SMS /Text Messaging Module must be enabled for Limo Anywhere to send SMS Messages.

About the “Dispatched” status

When a driver is “Assigned” to a reservation or trip, and the status of a job is set to “Dispatched”; Limo Anywhere will automatically send out a SMS Message to the driver’s cell phone if properly enabled. The default is for Limo Anywhere to look for the driver’s SMS information (cellphone number and carrier) first and send the SMS default template. If no SMS information for a driver is available Limo Anywhere will send the SMS template message to the driver’s email address in the Driver profile.

For information on Driver profiles in Limo Anywhere see the article titled How Do I Set Up My Driver In Limo Anywhere?

For information on creating or editing a SMS Template in Limo Anywhere see the article titled Building Your SMS Template.

If your driver is not receiving the messages there are a couple of troubleshooting steps that can be performed.

Double check the Cell Phone and Carrier in the Driver Profile

  • Click on the ‘My Office’ icon on the toolbar.
  • Go to the ‘Company Resources’ Tab.
  • Select the ‘Drivers’ button.
  • Highlight the driver you wish to review.
  • Click the ‘Edit Driver’ button.
  • Check the ‘Cell Phone’ number and ‘Carrier’ as illustrated below.
  • Click the ‘UPDATE DRIVER’ to save any changes made.

NOTE: The carrier must be correct for SMS to function. Be careful of this as companies are acquired by other firms this creates confusion. For example AT&T acquired Cingular some years ago. Even though the driver’s bill comes from AT&T their listed carrier may still be Cingular.

Carrier Message Size Limits

Carriers have different allowable SMS Message sizes measure by number of characters. Some carriers block messages that exceed that limit although most providers will send an SMS that is over their character limit as two different text messages. Contact the carrier for further questions on allowable message size, and policies for messages that do exceed the allowable character count

To check the size of an SMS Message in Limo Anywhere

  • Click on the ‘Dispatch’ icon on the toolbar.
  • Right click a reservation row.
  • Select the option ‘Send SMS’ from the drop down list.
  • The pop up display has a ‘Character Count’ for that message as illustrated below.

If these two steps do not solve the problem it is possible that the problem lies in the phone device, or with the carrier. Contact the carrier for questions and troubleshooting if these steps do not solve the problem.