Feb 02, 2023
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LA Pay Error Codes Explained

This article is to help you identify what different errors you may encounter when taking payments and some steps to take when encountered. This article will have details regarding the most popular error responses that we have seen on LA Pay, but may not cover all of them. For a list of all the errors that we have please view the Limo Anywhere PAY Error Responses article.

Merchant Track will be mentioned in throughout this article, please see this article on how to access Merchant Track

1020 Declines

These declines can happen due to numerous reasons. When a 1020 decline does occur, I would suggest checking Merchant Track directly on how to identify what type of decline has taken place. In any case, if you get this 1020 decline error, DO NOT try the card more than 3 times within 24 hours. Doing so could raise red flags with the processor and card brands which could impact your ability to continue processing transactions.

  • 05 – Generic Authorization Declines
    • This is just a generic decline.
    • Suggestion: You should reach out to the cardholder and check if they know or have them check with their card issuer/bank on what the reasoning for the decline may be. We suggest re-entering in the credit card data or sending a request payment link for the customer to enter in the card info themselves.
  • 59 – Suspected Fraud Declines
    • Suggestion: You should reach out to the cardholder and check if they know or have them check with their card issuer/bank on what the reasoning for the decline may be. We suggest re-entering in the credit card data or sending a request payment link for the customer to enter in the card info themselves.
  • 61 – Exceeds Withdrawal Limit
    • This error means that the transaction will bring the customer’s bank balance below the limit set by their bank or they have exceeded their transaction limit for that day.
    • Suggestion: You should reach out to the customer and advise them that they may need to get another method of payment.
  • 51 – Insufficient Funds
    • This means there were not enough available funds to process the payment.
    • Suggestion: You should reach out to the customer and advise them that they may need to get another method of payment.
  • 46 – Undocumented issuer response
    • This means that the card token account has been shut down, meaning that the card is no longer valid.
    • Suggestion: You should reach out to the customer and advise them that they need to get another method of payment.
  • 30 – Message Format Error
    • This shows up when a 3 digit CVV/security code is used for an American Express (AMEX) card. AMEX CVV/security codes are 4 digits long.
    • Suggestion: Enter in the 4 digit security code.

1101 Errors

  • 1101 – Processor invalid data response – INVALID CARD INFO
    • This means something regarding the card information has been detected as not being valid.
    • Suggestion: We suggest re-entering in the credit card data or sending a request payment link for the customer to enter in the card info themselves.

10 Errors

When an error 10 is displayed this can be for many different reasons.

  • Error: Payment Gateway Conflict: Error Code – 10. The request did not pass validation and could not be processed. 
  • Example: The CardNumber field is not a valid credit card number.” “The field CardNumber must be a string with a minimum length of 12 and a maximum length of 19.
  • Suggestion: We suggest re-entering in the credit card data or sending a request payment link for the customer to enter in the card info themselves.

21 Errors

  • Error: Payment Gateway Conflict: Error Code 21: The resource referenced by the request was not found
  • This error occurs when the saved card token has been deleted. If a stored credit card is not used for 24 months, the token is automatically removed due to PCI compliance rules.
  • Suggestion: Re-enter the credit card details or send a payment link to the customer so they can enter their card information.

1103 Errors

  • Error: Payment Gateway Conflict: Error Code – 1103. Fullsteam received an Invalid Request response from the processor.
  • This can occur when some data is deemed invalid by the processor.
  • Suggestion: Check the credit card data you have entered, including the billing address. This is most commonly an issue with how the billing address has been entered.
    • For example:
      • The entire address has been entered in on Address Line 1.
      • They place the Suite# or Apt# in Address Line 1 when it should be placed in Address Line 2.
      • The city is in the Address 1 box.
    • If all else fails, we suggest re-entering in the credit card data or sending a request payment link for the customer to enter in the card info themselves.

1105 Errors

  • Error: Payment Gateway Conflict: Error Code – 1105. The card number or card type submitted is invalid. You may not be configured to process the card type.
  • This can occur when a card is not set up to be processed under LA Pay terms due to varying reasons.
  • Usually followed by an Issuer Response Code 57 – Transaction not permitted to the cardholder.
  • Suggestion: You may attempt and send a request payment link in order to mitigate the issue.
    • If all else fails, advise the cardholder to reach out to the issuing bank and allow the transaction or provide an alternative form of payment.

1024 Errors

  • Error: Payment Gateway Conflict: Error Code – 1024. Transaction declined – The card issuer requests the merchant to pick up the card.
  • This can occur when the cardholder has reported their card to the issuing bank as stolen or lost.
    • In the following days, this error code can change from Error Code 1024 to Error Code 1105 and in the end Error Code 1020 – Undocumented issuer response.
  • Suggestion: Advise the cardholder to provide an alternative form of payment.