Oct 25, 2018

How-to Utilize Memos

Utilizing Memos

The Memos function is a great way to communicate important messages with your staff. Memos can be sent to all employees or a specific User ID.

  1. Click on the ‘Memos’ icon on the tool bar.
  2. Type out the memo in the text box labeled ‘Add New Memo’.
  3. (OPTIONAL) Enter a User ID in the ‘Memo To’ field if you want the memo to go to specific person. If this field is left blank the memo will go to all active users.
  4. (OPTIONAL) Enter a ‘Due Date’ if applicable. If the Due Date is selected the Memo have that specific date selected on the top left hand side of the title.
  5. Clicking on the color wheel to the right of the ‘Color of Memo’ box to select the desired color.
  6. Select the Users you wish to notify in the ‘Notify Users’ drop down list.
  7. Select whether you would like the memo to show up on the ‘Login Page’ or the ‘Dispatch Grid/Reservation’. If you chose ‘Dispatch Grid/Reservation’ check one or both of the boxes labeled ‘Dispatch Grid’ and ‘Reservation Form’.
  8. (OPTIONAL) Enter the date range in ‘Date From’ and ‘Date To’ fields to define the period of time in which you want this memo to be displayed.
  9. Click the ‘Add Memo’ button.