Oct 25, 2018

How-to Use The Print Queue

The Print Queue gives you the ability to save documents and print them at later time.

NOTE: Each printable document has option to either ‘Print Now’ or ‘Add to Print Queue’.

To print documents in the Print Queue

  1. Click on the ‘Tools’ icon on the toolbar.
  2. A list of all jobs which have been added to the Print Queue will be displayed.
  3. Select any item(s) by clicking the check any box.
  4. Click the ‘Print Selected’ button.

To remove items from the Print Queue

  1. Click on the ‘Tools’ icon on the toolbar.
  2. A list of all jobs which have been added to the Print Queue will be displayed.
  3. Select any item(s) by clicking the check any box.
  4. Click the ‘Remove Selected’ button.

NOTE: Removing an item from the Print Queue does not delete the record, but only removes the item from the Print Queue.