Oct 25, 2018

How-to Upload And Use The Files Module

Uploading and Using the Files Module

The Files section allows you to store JPG and PDF files on the Limo Anywhere server. This cloud storage solution will allow you have access to the uploaded files anywhere you go, you can also email the file as an attachment in the email/fax section of a reservation. Common PDF files customers might upload are Rental Agreements and Credit Card Authorization Forms.

Uploading a File into Limo Anywhere

  1. Click on the ‘Files’ icon on the tool bar.
  2. Click the ‘Launch File Manager’ button.
  3. Click the ‘Browse’ button.
  4. Located and select the PDF or JPG file you wish to upload.
  5. Click the ‘Open’ button.
  6. Click the ‘Upload’ button.


Sending an Uploaded File to Your Customers

  1. Open a saved/live reservation.
  2. Click the ‘Email/Fax’ button.
  3. Select the type of email you want to send out with the attachment from the ‘What Would You Like To Send?’ drop down box.
  4. Ensure there is an email address is in one of the boxes below labeled ‘B/C’, ‘Pax’, ‘Bk/C’, ‘Aff’, ‘Drv 1’, and/or ‘Car 1’.
  5. Click the ‘Select Other Files’ box.
  6. Click on the ‘Send Now’ button.


Downloading a Saved File from Files Section

  1. Click on the ‘Files’ icon on the tool bar.
  2. Click the ‘Launch File Manager’ button.
  3. Click on the green box that has two arrows pointing downward.
  4. Save the file in the location you would it to be stored on your computer.


Editing the File name in the Files Section

  1. Click on the ‘Files’ icon on the tool bar.
  2. Click the ‘Launch File Manager’ button.
  3. Click on the ‘pencil’ icon.
  4. Change the name of the file in the pop up box.
  5. Select the ‘OK’ button.


Deleting a File from the Files Section

  1. Click on the ‘Files’ icon on the tool bar.
  2. Click the ‘Launch File Manager’ button.
  3. Click the ‘Trash Can’ icon to the right of the file name.
  4. Select the ‘OK’ button.