Jan 20, 2020

How-to Set Up Driver Anywhere Access

Setting Up Driver’s DriverAnywhere Access

  1. Click on the ‘My Office‘ icon in the toolbar.
  2. Select the ‘Company Resources‘ tab.
  3. Select the ‘Drivers‘ button.
  4. Select a ‘Driver‘ by clicking on the name.
  5. Click the ‘Edit Driver‘ button. ‘Edit Driver’ tab will be dispalyed by default.
  6. Scroll down to the bottom right hand side of the profile to the ‘Web Access’ section.
  7. Enter a ‘Username’ and ‘Password’.
    NOTE: Username has to be unique for every driver. You CANNOT use the same username for multiple drivers.
  8. Click the ‘Update Driver‘ button.

Driver Anywhere Settings


  1. Click the ‘DriverAnywhere Settings’ tab.
  2. For the driver to use Driver Anywhere ‘Use Driver Anywhere’, the box on the left must be checked.
  3. Checking the box on the left of ‘Edit Trip Times’ allows the driver to change times for Gar-Out, ETA, Spot, In-Car, Drop-off, and Gar-In.
  4. Checking the box on the left of ‘See Rate Data’ allows the driver to see what rates you have mapped for Driver Anywhere and by default those rates are Tolls, Parking, Misc Fee 1, and Misc Fee 2.
  5. Checking the box on the left of ‘Edit Rate Data’ allows the driver to change a rate or the components of a rate that you have mapped ( Tolls, Parking, Misc Fee 1, and Misc Fee 2 ) while on a trip.
  6. Checking the box on the left of ‘Process Payments’ allows the driver to run an ‘Authorize and Capture’ transaction on a credit card through the Driver Anywhere system and get the passenger to sign for it at the time of the transaction.
    NOTE: This feature of Driver Anywhere is dependent on you having the Real-time Payment Processing Module and a payment gateway set up in your Limo Anywhere system.
  7. Checking the box on the left of ‘Close Out Trips’ will allow your driver to finalize details on their trips e.g. Rates, Times, Notes, etc.
  8. Checking the box on the left of ‘Require Driver Signature’ will require drivers to sign any trips they Settle on the DA Website only.
  9. When you have made the selections for the tasks that you will allow this driver to perform click the ‘Update’ button.
  10.  Repeat this process for each Driver.