Dec 17, 2020

How-to Reset your Password

A system user can reset if they forget their password or need to reset it for security reasons at anytime.

NOTE: PCI-DSS requires that passwords be updated every 90 days.Limo Anywhere Personnel does not have visibility of any users passwords.

NOTE: A valid email address needs to be on file with that User ID in order to reset the password.

Resetting you password.

  1. On the log in page click the link ‘Forgot Password‘.
  2. On the ‘Forgot Password‘ page enter the company ID, username and click the submit button.
  3. An email will be sent to the email address provided in the system user profile.
  4. Click the “REST YOUR PASSWORD‘ link in the email.
  5. On the ‘Set New Password‘ page enter the new password in the ‘Create New Password‘ field. Repeat the password in the ‘Confirm Password‘ field.
    NOTE: The password requirements are shown above these fields.
    After password is created and confirmed click the ‘SET NEW PASSWORD‘ button.
  1. You will now be taken back to the log in screen that will display the message ‘ Your password has been successfully updated. Please log in using your new password.’