Nov 08, 2018

How-to Import Reservations

Importing Reservations

For a large event or group where multiple reservations need to be created utilizing The Reservation Import feature may be a productive way to accomplish this in Limo Anywhere.

The Reservation Import feature allows the creation of multiple reservations by uploading from an Excel file.

  1. Click on the ‘Reservations‘ icon on the toolbar.
  2. Click the ‘Import Reservations‘ link.
  3. The message that appears in the yellow shaded box above is important. It reads as follows:
    “The Reservation Manifest Import Feature is still in development and has not been fully tested. Please use at your own risk. The file format needs to be either XLS or XLSX format (Excel 200-2003 or 2007), and you can download a sample here.Last revision done on 2/08/2011, please use most recent sample sheet.”
  4. Click the linked ‘here‘ to download the template, or it can be downloaded from this article.
    Note: The column headings, order of the columns, or format cannot be altered due to the uploading methodology.
  5. Populate the rows with the appropriate data. Save the file to a place on your computer where you can locate such as the Desktop or My Documents.
  6. Return to Limo Anywhere Import Reservations screen and click on ‘Browse‘.
  7. Find the file where it was saved, and click ‘Open‘ to save the selection.
  8. Click on ‘Select Billing Contact‘ & choose the Billing Contact associated with the group of reservations to be imported.
  9. Click on ‘Upload‘ as illustrated below and the reservation manifest will upload creating a separate reservation in your Limo Anywhere system for each row of data on the imported file.

Important To Remember:

  • The Reservation Manifest Import Feature has not been revised since 02/08/2011. Please use at your own risk.
  • The file format MUST be in XLS or XLSX format (Excel 2000-2003 or 2007), and the format or column order cannot be altered.
  • Uploading of reservation files is only allowed between 5 p.m. – 5 a.m. U.S. Central Standard Time.