Nov 08, 2018

How-to Generate a Transaction/Payment History Report

  1. Click on the ‘Reports‘ icon on the toolbar.
  2. Find the Transaction/Payment History Report creation box (5th option from the top in the left hand column).
  3. Select either ‘Trips’ or ‘Invoices’.
  4. Select the ‘Billing Contact’ from the drop down list, or leave the ‘Billing Contact’ field blank to show all Billing Contacts.
  5. Enter the date range in ‘Date From’ and ‘Date To’ to define the period of time for which transactions was reported on.
  6. Further filter the ‘report by selecting’ a value from the drop down list, or entering a value in the fields for:
    • Alias
    • Pmt Method (Payment Method)
    • CC# (last four digits)
    • Name on Card  Note:  Partial search is enabled so that a portion of the name will yield results
    • Conf # (confirmation number)
    • Inv# (invoice number)
    • Pmt Ref# (Payment Reference number)
    • Transaction Type:  choose Authorize, Authorize & Capture, Prior Capture, Void or Credit
    • Amount
    • Transaction ID (value created in credit card processing)
    • Auth # (Authorization Number-value created in credit card processing)
    • Received By (System User ID that processed payment).
  7. Click the ‘GENERATE REPORT‘ button.