Nov 08, 2018

How-to Generate a Reservation Summary Report

  1. Click on the ‘Reports‘ icon on the toolbar.
  2. Find the Reservation Summary Report creation box (5th option from the top in the right hand column).
  3. (OPTIONAL) Select ‘Exclude Pending Reservation’ by clicking the check box if reservations in Pending status are not to be reported on.
  4. (OPTIONAL) Select the order by which the reservations are to be displayed by selecting ‘Date Created’, ‘PU Date’ (pick up date), or ‘Conf #’ (confirmation number) in the ‘Sort By:’ drop down list.
  5. Select in the ‘By User:’ drop down list if the report is to be created for ‘All Users’, or a specific System User.
  6. Enter the date range in ‘Date From’ and ‘Date To’.
  7. Click the ‘GENERATE REPORT‘ button.