Nov 08, 2018
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How-to Generate a Reservation Incident Report

Generating a Reservation Incident Report

The Reservation Incident Report will generate a report for all incidents placed on a reservation for a specific time range.

NOTE: A Reservation Incident can be anything that might have happen on a trip that could result in additional charges or compensation to the customer including but not limited to: Customer service issues such as being late for a pickup time, Customers damaging a vehicle, A lost or found item and A vehicle accident.

  1. Click on the ‘Reports‘ icon on the toolbar.
  2. Find the Reservation Incident Report creation box (1st option from the top in the right hand column).
  3. Select the ‘Date From’ and ‘Date To’.
  4. (OPTIONAL) Uncheck the check box for ‘Unresolved reports’, if you would like to see the both resolved and unresolved incidents.
  5. (OPTIONAL) Select filtered by options such as ‘Billing Contact’, ‘Company’, ‘Driver’, and/or ‘Car’.
  6. Click the ‘GENERATE REPORT‘ button.

For more information on how to set up and utilize reservation incidents please see the Knowledge Base article ‘Setting Up and Utilizing Reservation Incidents‘.