Oct 06, 2022

How-to Automatically Increase Auth Only Transaction Amount

Limo Anywhere has added an option for Limo Anywhere PAY operators to automatically increase Reservation and Invoice Total Amounts by a percentage for Credit Card Authorization Transactions.

We have added this option to help operators who need to account for added extra costs that may have incurred during the trip like extra stops, extra gratuity, etc. This will help ensure you Authorize the Credit Card for the extra amount if needed so you have the funds available when you go to Capture that amount.

To set up this functionality:

  1. Go to ‘My Office’
  2. Go to ‘Company Preferences’
  3. Go to ‘General’
  4. Scroll down to the setting ‘Increase Authorization amount on Reservation by:’
  5. Select the percentage amount: 10, 15, or 20%
  6. Click ‘Update My Company Preferences’ button to save your changes

Now when you open up the Reservation or Invoice Payment Terminal and select ‘Authorize’ for a Credit Card Transaction. The amount of the Auth transaction will increase over the Reservation Total by the percentage you have set.

Example For Reservation and Invoice:

NOTE: This functionality is only available with Limo Anywhere PAY.

NOTE: Limo Anywhere PAY may only allow you to Capture an amount equal or less than the amount Authorized especially with American Express credit cards. If you need to Capture more than you Authorized, you may have to process a separate transaction for the increased amount.