Oct 30, 2018
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Establishing And Managing the Occasions List

Managing the Occasions List in Limo Anywhere

Managing Lists of frequently used data points in the limousine company’s Limo Anywhere creates a customized system that fits the business, and allows for greater efficiency in using Limo Anywhere on a daily basis. This Knowledge Base article covers managing the Occasions in Limo Anywhere.

Occasions are a useful data point for categorizing the many reasons a customer will secure the service of the limousine company. The Occasion data can then be used to target market those customers for repeat business. Limo Anywhere does not have any Occasions pre-populated. There is no limit to the number of Occasions a limousine company can create in Limo Anywhere, and Occasions can be added or deleted at anytime.

  1. Click on the ‘My Office‘ icon on the toolbar.
  2. Open the ‘List Management‘ tab, and select the ‘Occasions‘ button. The Occasions Listing will display.

Add An Occasion
  1. Click the ‘Add New Occasion‘ link in the upper right of the Occasions Listing.
  2. Enter the Occasion Name, Occasion Description, and select the Status as either Active/Inactive.
  3. Click ‘Add New Occasion‘ to retain the additional Occasion.

Edit or Delete an Occasion
  1. Click the ‘Occasion‘ in the Occasion Listing on the linked Occasion Name or Occasion Description.
  2. Make any changes to the Occasion Name, Occasion Description, or Status.
  3. Click ‘UPDATE‘ to save the changes, click ‘CANCEL‘ the ignore the changes.
  4. Click ‘DELETE‘ to remove the Occasion.
    NOTE: Deleting a Occasion will limit the ability to report on the Occasion. For that reason it is recommended that the ACTIVE/INACTIVE status be used rather than delete.