May 29, 2020
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Why do I have to manually Close an invoice after it has been PAID and Finalized?


Why do I have to manually Close an invoice after it has been PAID and Finalized?


Closing an invoice means that action is no longer needed on that invoice. There are several reasons we need a ‘Closed‘ state of an invoice.

  • Closing an invoice will move the invoice to the ‘Closed Invoices‘ tab to further help manage the invoice you need to focus on under the ‘Invoices‘ tab
  • Closing an invoice will trigger calculation of account credits. If an invoice is overpaid, then when you close that invoice, it will add the overpaid amount to the Billing Contact’s account credits for future use on reservations/invoices.
  • Closing an invoice helps us with future integrations and enhancements and knowing what state an Invoice is in is a key indicator to help us create triggers or know when to send information for example.