Oct 26, 2018
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How-to Create and Manage Airport Pick Up Instructions

Airport Pick Up Instructions

Airport Pick-Up Instructions are a sets of instructions that are used to let your driver know where to meet the client for example ‘Curb Side’ or ‘Baggage Claim’.

Select one of the following links to be brought to that part of the article:

Adding Pick-up Instructions

Editing Pick-up Instructions

Deleting Pick-up Instructions

ORES 4.0 Inside Curbside Options

Adding Pick-up Instructions

  1. Click on the ‘My Office‘ icon in the toolbar.
  2. Open the ‘Company Resources‘ tab.
  3. Select the ‘Airports‘ button.
  4. Select an Airport from the ‘Airports‘ list.
  5. Click the ‘Edit Airport‘ button.
  6. Enter a ‘Short Title‘ (20 characters maximum).
  7. Enter the ‘Instructions‘.
  8. Select the ‘Dflt‘ check box ONLY IF this is to be the default instructions.
  9. Keep the ‘Status‘ set to ‘ACTIVE‘.
  10. Click the ‘ADD‘ button to save what was entered.

Editing Pick-up Instructions

  1. Click on the ‘My Office‘ icon in the toolbar.
  2. Open the ‘Company Resources‘ tab.
  3. Select the ‘Airports‘ button.
  4. Select the Airport from the ‘Airports‘ list that you wish to change the instructions on.
  5. Click the ‘Edit Airport‘ button.
  6. Select the instructions from the ‘Stored Pick-up Instructions‘ list.
  7. Click the ‘EDIT‘ button.
  8. Modify the ‘Short Title’, ‘Instructions’, ‘Dflt’ and/or ‘Status’ fields as needed.
  9. Click the ‘UPDATE‘ button.

Deleting Pick-up Instructions

  1. Click on the ‘My Office‘ icon in the toolbar.
  2. Open the ‘Company Resources‘ tab.
  3. Select the ‘Airports‘ button.
  4. Select the Airport from the ‘Airports‘ list that you wish to delete the instructions off of.
  5. Click the ‘Edit Airport‘ button.
  6. Select the instruction from the ‘Stored Pick-up Instructions‘ list.
  7. Click the ‘DELETE‘ button.

ORES 4.0 Inside/Curbside Options

ORES 4.0 allows you to easily set fee for Meet and Greet Options and lets your customer select those options on Step 3 of the booking process.

Go to:

  1. My Office
  2. Company Preferences
  3. Reservations

to set up fee for ‘Curbside’ and/or ‘Inside’ Pick up. Put in the amount you want to charge for each ‘Pick-up’ fee and associate the charge with a rate.

Note: We recommend creating a separate rate to map the fee so it does not overwrite another fee you may have set up. For information on setting up rate please go here.

Also you can label the Curbside/Inside option by putting in what you would like to display to the customer in the ‘Label:’ boxes respectively.

Once you have those options set, you must go to:

  1. My Office
  2. Online Reservation System
  3. ORES 4.0
  4. Settings tab

and set ‘Show Airport PU Options:’ to ‘Yes’.

This will allow them to select either ‘Curbside’ or ‘Inside’ Pick-up on Step 3 after they put in Airline and Flight #.

IMPORTANT: The Meet Option was only designed to easily price on ORES 4.0 and allow your customers to easily select the option when booking. This option will NOT show in Driver Anywhere or on any forms (Confirmations, Trip Sheets, etc.). You must select the appropriate Airport Pickup Instruction in the routing of the reservation.