Trigger: New Payment
Triggers when a new payment has been made in Limo Anywhere.
Which data gets sent to Zapier?
Payment details including Billing Contact, transaction details, card details (if credit card transaction), and payment breakdown for payments made in Limo Anywhere on Reservations and Invoices.
What can Zapier do with this data?
Track payments, send payment and transaction details to Quickbooks Online or Xero, send custom confirmations. Your creativity is your only limit.
How does it work?
1. Payment is made in Limo Anywhere.
2. Payment details are sent to Zapier
What are some Zap examples?
- Add a new Limo Anywhere Payment to Quickbooks Online to record payment and transaction details
- Add a new Limo Anywhere Payment to Gmail to send custom emails out to your customers
- Add a new Limo Anywhere Payment to Google Sheets to export payments to a Google Sheet
See more Limo Anywhere, QuickBooks Online, Gmail, and Google Sheets integrations powered by Zapier.